Management Services2025-03-16T18:02:13-04:00

Victoria Park Management

A Leader in the Sector

Victoria Park Management is a non-profit property management company providing exceptional service to a diverse portfolio, serving over 2780 units in Southern Ontario.

Four Pillars of Services

Our model for delivering property management services to our clients is proudly rooted in our four pillars of service.

Resident & Property Services2021-01-07T16:02:54-05:00
Managing the portfolios of our clients with maximum efficiency and in a matter that is consistent with the housing providers’ corporate objectives.

Our professional team of Property Managers complete the day-to-day business of each building. They are the face of the building. They pride themselves on creating positive resident relationships, and ensuring preventative maintenance is in place and all components are in good repair.

Service includes:

  • Ensure regulatory compliance
  • Arrears are addressed and collected in a timely fashion with a goal of 2-4%
  • Supervise on-site superintendents
  • Complete and provide detailed reports on annual unit inspections and building grounds inspections
  • Move out inspections and scheduling unit turnover work
  • Ensure maintenance requests are completed promptly and recorded on our maintenance tracker
  • Eviction prevention
Capital Assets & Infrastructure2021-01-08T12:00:37-05:00
Providing sound asset management by effectively managing 5 and 10 year capital plans, ensuring Building Condition Audits are up-to-date, and seeking and applying for capital funding grants.

Our Capital Assets and Infrastructure team is led by our Manager of Capital Assets & Infrastructure, Rizwan Zaeem (P. Eng) and his team.

Service includes:

  • Review of current capital budgets
  • Consultation regarding procurement strategies
  • Review of building condition assessment and capital plan
  • Preparation of 3-yr and 5-yr capital plan
  • Procurement and project management of construction work
Corporate & Legal Services2021-01-11T10:05:44-05:00
Advocating on behalf of the non-profit housing sector to ensure that corporate and legal needs of the housing providers are met.

Our Corporate and Legal department is led by Lauren Blumas, JD, HBCom, (Manager of Legal and Special Project).

Service includes:

  • Paralegal representation at various Tribunals (LTB, HRTO) and Small Claims
  • Corporate and regulatory information and training
  • Human Rights Tribunal
  • Small Claims Court
  • Corporate Filings
  • Comprehensive review of all contractual agreements
  • Review of compliance requirements
  • Contract negotiations and administration
Financial Services2021-01-11T10:06:13-05:00
Ensuring financial viability by operating in a manner consistent within the prescribed financial benchmarks from both a revenue and an expense platform.

Victoria Park Management has a strong financial team consisting of four CPAs, CMAs, CGAs. Our financial management has a proven track record of success.

Service includes:

  • General Ledger
  • Accounts Payable/Accounts Receivable
  • Tenant Management
  • Variance Reporting
“Our Board is proud of Cotton Mill Estate and how well it has been managed and maintained by Victoria Park Management. The tenants find it to be comfortable and clean … and Yvonne Alexander (on-site Property Manager) has excellent relations with the tenants.”
Peter Sutherland, Chairman of the Board

McMaster Community Homes Corporation

Exceptional Client Service

Client service is the umbrella of our four pillars and the foundation of our business. We pride ourselves not only in providing professional property management services but also in exemplary client services.

You can expect:

  • Fair, courteous and professional treatment
  • Timely responses
  • Access to knowledgeable staff
  • Consideration for your concerns and opinions
  • Confidentiality
  • Referral to other agencies and appropriate resources
  • Compliance with all relevant legislations
“Victoria Park have provided us with the experience and expertise

that comes with being an industry leader. Whether dealing with a crisis or just the day to day operations; the associates at VPM have provided a consistent delivery of services, especially during these challenging times.”

Ian Smith, President of The Residences at St. Andrews
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